Part 2 | Why Building IDPs is a Challenging Business?

Alex Khaerov
4 min readJun 29, 2024


Photo by Omar Flores on Unsplash

Hey there, tech enthusiasts! Last time, we dove into the world of Internal Developer Platforms (IDPs) and Infrastructure Developer Platforms.

Today, we’re going to chat about why I’ve been knee-deep in building IDPs and why it’s such a tricky business. Buckle up – we’re about to get into the nitty-gritty of IDP autonomy in the enterprise world!

The Promise of Autonomy

When we talk about IDPs, one of the big selling points is autonomy. In theory, an IDP should empower developers to work independently, access resources on their own, and deploy applications without constantly bugging the ops team. It’s the dream of every dev team: no more waiting for provisioning, no more back-and-forth with ops, just pure, unadulterated coding bliss.

But here’s the thing – autonomy in the enterprise world is a double-edged sword.

The Reality Check

Implementing true autonomy in an enterprise setting is like trying to herd cats while juggling flaming torches. Sure, it sounds awesome in theory, but in practice? It’s a whole different ball game.

First off, there’s the security nightmare. Give developers too much freedom, and suddenly you’ve got potential security breaches coming out of your ears. But lock everything down too tight, and you’re back to square one, with developers unable to do their jobs efficiently.

Then there’s compliance. In many industries, regulatory requirements mean you can’t just let developers run wild with resources. You need audit trails, approval processes, and all sorts of fun red tape that can quickly turn your sleek IDP into a bureaucratic nightmare.

The Integration Puzzle

Let’s say you’ve managed to strike that perfect balance between autonomy and control. Great! But now you’ve got to integrate your shiny new IDP with all the existing enterprise systems. And let me tell you, that’s about as much fun as trying to fit a square peg into a round hole.

Legacy systems, proprietary software, that one ancient server that nobody knows how to update but is somehow critical to the entire operation – they all need to play nice with your IDP. It’s like trying to organize a family reunion where half the family doesn’t speak to each other and the other half is on a different continent.

The Human Factor

Here’s a fun fact: people don’t like change. Shocking, I know. You’d think that developers would jump at the chance to have more autonomy, but you’d be surprised how often we run into resistance.

Some teams are set in their ways and view IDPs as a threat to their job security. Others are overwhelmed by the learning curve. And let’s not forget the ops teams who suddenly find their role changing dramatically.

Training and adoption become crucial, and let me tell you, trying to get an entire enterprise to change how they work is about as easy as teaching a cat to bark.

The Cost Conundrum

Now, let’s talk money. IDPs aren’t cheap to build or maintain. Sure, they can lead to significant cost savings in the long run, but try explaining that to a CFO who’s looking at the initial price tag.

Justifying the cost of an IDP often feels like trying to sell ice to an Eskimo. Yes, it’ll make everything more efficient, but quantifying that in dollar terms? That’s when you start wishing you’d paid more attention in those economics classes.

The Customization Trap

Every enterprise is unique, which means every IDP needs to be customized. Sounds reasonable, right? But it’s a slippery slope.

Start customizing too much, and suddenly you’re maintaining a monster that no one fully understands. Don’t customize enough, and teams will find workarounds that defeat the whole purpose of having an IDP in the first place.

Finding that sweet spot is like trying to nail jelly to a wall – frustrating, messy, and likely to leave you questioning your life choices.

The Maintenance Marathon

So, you’ve built your IDP. It’s integrated, adopted, and running smoothly. Time to sit back and relax, right? Wrong!

Welcome to the wonderful world of maintenance. Security updates, new feature requests, bug fixes, performance optimizations – it never ends. Keeping an IDP up-to-date and secure is a full-time job in itself.

And let’s not forget that the tech world moves at lightning speed. That cutting-edge feature you just implemented? It’ll be outdated before you can say “digital transformation”.


Building IDPs might sound like a dream job (and don’t get me wrong, it’s pretty awesome), but it comes with its fair share of challenges. From wrestling with autonomy to navigating the complex world of enterprise IT, it’s a rollercoaster ride of problem-solving and innovation.

But you know what? That’s what makes it exciting. Every challenge is an opportunity to learn, to innovate, and to make something that genuinely improves how people work. It’s tough, it’s frustrating, but when you see a team deploying faster, collaborating better, and actually enjoying their work because of an IDP you built? That makes it all worthwhile.

Next time, we’ll explore some success stories and learn from companies that have nailed their IDP implementation. Stay tuned, and as always, happy coding!

What do you think? Have you faced similar challenges in your IDP journey? Drop a comment below – I’d love to hear your thoughts!



Alex Khaerov

more at Thoughts here are my own and don’t necessarily represent my employer.